Greater Ebenezer Ohio Diocese School

About Us


Ohio Diocese School of Biblical Theology (ODSBT) was founded in 1987 by Dr. Isaiah Aycox, a former Roman Catholic priest, who left the Order, married and became a pastor. He founded the Ohio, Indiana, and California Dioceses of the Biblical Theology. For his outstanding contributions as a servant-leader, Dr. Aycox received numerous commendations from the states of Ohio and Michigan.

ODSCT’s first graduating class was held in December 1989 with 15 graduates receiving various degrees. Ohio Diocese School of Biblical Theology offers in-depth courses that are practical, relevant, and biblically based to enrich your personal growth and ministry. They are designed to help you become rooted and grounded in the Word of God, enabling you to stand on the solid truth. Our dynamic instructors hold degrees at the Master or Doctoral level and have many years of ministry experience. You will be challenged to grow and mature in your faith as there are tremendous benefits and immeasurable spiritual growth as you study the Word of God under anointed and inspired teaching.


ODSBT is a non-traditional, ministry preparation institution of learning. You will have a choice in the method of delivery and the type of schedule. You may select between a traditional schedule or on that does not have semesters or terms. Choosing a non-traditional schedule, you will be able to take classes at your own pace and set your hours of study. Our school is designed to fit into your active schedule while helping you prepare for your ministry.

We offer three methods for taking classes:

  • Correspondence-Online Courses may be purchased and completed per the student’s discretion.
  • Fall and/or Winter on-site and online classes are offered.
  • Accreditation
Ohio Diocese School of Biblical Theology is a recognized Christian institution of higher learning and is accredited with the
  • American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions of Rocky Mount, North Carolina.

About the President

William Reynolds is consecrated as the Suffragran Bishop of the Dominican Republic Council of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. In the United States, he serves as pastor of Greater Ebenezer Cathedral of Praise in Columbus Ohio. As a young minister, Bishop Reynolds served Pastor Wilbur Frazier of Ebenezer Apostolic Faith for more than twenty years. Later, Pastor Frazier appointed Bishop Reynolds to succeed him as pastor. Remodeling the church on Ohio Avenue in Columbus, Ohio and later building a new church building located at 2645 Fairwood Avenue in Columbus, Ohio, Bishop Reynolds saw the Lord as provider. Standing on his foundationa scripturel, I can through all things through Christ who strengthened me (Philippians 4:16),. Bishop Reynolds preaches and teaches the authority of the Word of God and the authority of the believer.

In his early days of ministry, Dr. Reynolds received numerous invitations to minister on the tribal lands of the First Nations in the United States. Now, he minsters extensively in South American, Central America, and the Caribbean. He has pioneered and built several churches. In addition to pastoring, He serves as suffragan bishop of the Pentecostal of the World in the Dominican Council of Churches. For over twenty years, Suffragan Bishop Reynolds has served the Dominican Republic where he and Bishop Moses Butler transformed the island with the Word of God as overseers, mentors, pastors and apostolic builders. Through his teaching and demonstration of Apostolic principles, many are saved, healed, and delivered by the Word of God.

A graduate of International Theological Seminary and School of Biblical Theology, Bishop Reynolds received his doctorate from of School of Biblical Theology and International School. He is author of …. Bishop Reynolds is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, the Ohio District Council, Bishop Reynolds is the husband of Femilee…and the father of four children.

From the President

Your destiny is not your decision but your discovery. Do have a dream? It does exist. The dream has been there from the day of your existence. King David informed us that God knew us from the beginning of existence and has written his plans for us in a Book. “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (Psalms 139:16 NIV).

Come to the School of Biblical Theology to break into the supernatural to unlock and discover the key that God has written in the Book about you. This school is the place where destinies are made, destinies are changed, and destinies are fulfilled. YOUR DESTINY IS WAITING!
The vision of The School of Biblical Theology is to take the teachings of Jesus to a new level of experience so that when you complete your course of study, whether you stay a few months or longer, you will be able to articulate the Gospel in a demonstration of God’s power. As Jesus said, you will do the greater works and you will do them in the power and anointing of His spirit!

God is calling you to look beyond your limitations, beyond your failures and beyond your man-made goals to see the awesome spiritual destiny He has planned for you! Regardless of who you are, God has a specific plan and purpose for your life. There are specific things and events He planned to take place in your life and he has specific plans He wants to accomplish through you. The spiritual destiny God has planned for you will not happen simply because you want it! It will not happen unless you dare to believe that God will do all He has promised. You cannot sit around waiting for it to fall out of the sky into your lap! You must seize it! Your decisions and actions determine your destiny. The decisions you make on a daily basis move you closer to your God-ordained destiny of away from it. It will not happen unless you act upon His promises. When you begin to see into the invisible, you will DARE TO DO THE IMPOSSIBLE! You must be willing to step into your destiny…this school is waiting for you. See yourself today coming to the training school for your spiritual breakthrough. This is your hour!

Dr. William Reynolds, Th.D., D.D.
President of Ohio Diocese School of Biblical Theology
Professor of Bible Theology

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